As a specialist, the cardiologist treats diseases of the heart and the blood vessels, which are the most common maladies today. We highly recommend regular cardiac examinations to the patients who are already suffering from some cardiovascular disease, but also to those with a positive family history, which implies the need for additional care of the cardiovascular system.

Cardiac examination is painless, and it doesn’t require any special preparation. It includes clinical examination, measuring of blood pressure and heart rate, electrocardiogram, along with the evaluation of risk factors for heart and blood vessel diseases, such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterole and triglycerids, obesity, smoking status, diabetes…

In the field of cardiology, the Polyclinic Jović offers you the following examinations:

  • u Echocardiography,
  • u Expert echocardiography,
  • u Stress echocardiography,
  • u Stress test,
  • u 24-hour Holter Monitoring of Blood Pressure,
  • u 3-channel ECG and 12-channel ECG Holter Monitoring,
  • u Doppler of the blood vessels of the neck,
  • u Doppler of the blood vessels of upper extremities and lower extremities,
  • u Examination and a check-up of the patients who underwent surgery and patients with a stent,
  • u Consultation as well as evaluation of indications for ablation therapy.

Echocardiography is a type of examination that estimates the functions of the cardiac muscle and the condition of contractile function of the heart, locomotion of the cardiac muscle, the condition and possible diseases of heart valve, along with the strength of the heart. Furthermore, this examination measures the cardiac output and muscle mass of the heart, and, in like manner, it diagnoses congenital and acquired heart defects.

Stress echocardiography is the best method for discovering and monitoring coronary artery diseases. It is used for risk assessment after acute heart attack, for functional assessment of coronary artery stenosis, assessment of myocardial viability, and monitoring of symptomatic patients after interventional and/or surgical myocardial revascularization. Stress can be caused by physical exertion, pharmacological subtleties and atrial pacing. The most common pharmacological subtleties that are used in stress echocardiography are dobutamine, dipyridamole and adenosine. This test enables us to monitor cardiac output via ECG and ultrasound. The test itself is very comfortable, since during the test the patient is lying down while the cardiac stress test is performed using medicine. Pharmacological stress echocardiographic test is more beneficial and valid than the classic stress test (ergometry), which is the first choice when suspecting coronary disease.

Stress test – ergometry, is a method which can determine the impact of the physical activity on the heart. It is recommended to the patients who experience symptoms of sudden fatigue during usual physical activities, as well as pain in the chest during the physical exertion. The test is performed by having the patient walk on a treadmill or ride a bicycle, slowly at first, and then with increasing speed and inclination. During the test, electrical activity of the heart, blood pressure, heart rate (per minute) and breathing are being monitored the entire time.

24-hour Holter Monitoring of Blood Pressure includes monitoring of the blood pressure in a twenty-four hour period. This is a type of supplemental diagnosis in patients who experience symptoms such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus, giddiness… with the aim to make the best recommendation for further treatment.

24-hour Holter Monitoring ECG includes heart rate monitoring (frequency and rhythm) over the course of 24 hours. In order to give the best possible recommendation for the further treatment, this method is recommended to the patients who experience symptoms of rapid and/or irregular heartbeat

Doppler of the Blood Vessels of the Neck is a painless, non-invasive diagnostic method, which measures the blood flow through the blood vessels of the neck. This method helps reveal narrowing or widening (aneurysm) of the blood vessels. Moreover, this way layers and plaques which narrow the blood vessel cavity can be spotted, which helps determine the risk of stroke.

Doppler of the Blood Vessels of Upper Extremities and Lower Extremities is a non-invasive diagnostic method, which measures the blood flow through the blood vessels of extremities and points to existence of possible narrowing. This method is recommended to the patients who experience symptoms such as spasms, pain in calves and shins after walking for 30, 50 or 100 meters, leg swelling, varicose veins on the legs or changes in the skin of the extremities.